
冷静,克制,不完美,没有色彩。超级名模Eugenia Silva在马德里创建了一个有文化的庇护所,让家庭生活得以展开。美学护理是其主要组成部分之一。

Sober, contained, imperfect, with absence of color … The model Eugenia Silva has created in Madrid a cultured refuge in which to make family life. The aesthetic care is one of its main components.




Manolo Millares(壁炉上方)和Joan Miró的艺术品丰富了客厅,同时配有Casa Munoz设计的沙发和地毯以及Von Pelt Atelier鸡尾酒桌

Artworks by Manolo Millares (above the fireplace) and Joan Miró overlook the living room sitting area, which is furnished with sofas and a rug by Casa Munoz and a Von Pelt Atelier cocktail table.

一个满世界跑的西班牙超模,当她要生第一个孩子并安定下来的时候,她该做些什么呢?对Eugenia Silva来说,答案是回到马德里的家乡。大约六年前,随着家庭生活的临近,她和男友Alfonso de Borbon y Yoldi在西班牙首都街头寻找完美的家。Yoldi是一名商人,也是西班牙国王费利佩六世的亲戚。

What’s a globe-trotting Spanish supermodel to do when she’s about to have her first baby and settle down? For Eugenia Silva, the answer was to return to her roots in Madrid. Around four years ago, with family life imminent, she and boyfriend Alfonso de Borbón y Yoldi, a businessman and relative of Spain’s King Felipe VI, hit the streets of the Spanish capital in search of the perfect home.




Silva穿Loewe的外套和裤子,戴Bosco Sodi的项链。她的两侧是George Nakashima的矮柜和Fredrikson Stallard的凳子。

In the living room, Silva wears a jacket and pants by Loewe and a necklace by Bosco Sodi. She’s flanked by a George Nakashima cabinet and a stool by Fredrikson Stallard.

Eugenia Silva在过去的20年里为无数的T台增光,也为《Vogue》、《Elle》和《Hola》杂志增添色彩。在此期间,她还创办了在线购物网站Eustyle,收藏了一批一流的当代艺术品和上世纪中叶的家具,有两个儿子,Alfonso和杰Jeronimo,现在分别六岁和三岁。

Eugenia Silva spent the past 20 years gracing countless runways as well as the pages of Vogue, Elle, and Hola. Along the way, she also launched the online shopping site Eustyle, amassed a blue-chip collection of contemporary art and midcentury furniture, and had two sons, Alfonso and Jerónimo, now ages six and three, respectively.





时髦的朋友们试图吸引这对夫妇去El Viso,一片由独栋别墅和联排别墅组成的绿树成荫的飞地。“但在纽约生活了15年后,我住进了联排别墅,所有东西都在不同的楼层,”Silva回忆说。她发现自己被自己长大的地方吸引住了,它坐落在罗萨莱斯大道上,这是一条优雅的咖啡大道,旁边是广阔而青翠的奥斯特公园。穿过街道,马德里的城市喧嚣消失在操场和绿树成荫的宁静中。

Fashionable friends tried to lure the couple to El Viso, a leafy enclave of villas and townhouses. “But after 15 years in New York, I was off townhouse living, with everything on different floors,” Silva recalls. She found herself gravitating toward the area where she’d grown up, along the Paseo del Pintor Rosales, an elegant café-lined boulevard bordering the vast and verdant Parque del Oeste. Cross the street and Madrid’s urban bustle fades into playgrounds and tree-shaded tranquillity.




在图书馆中,Michael Anastassiades的灯具悬挂在由CasaMunoz设计的沙发床和鸡尾酒桌上方。Antonio Saura的画安装在壁炉上,壁炉的两侧是Anacleto Spazzapan木椅和底座上的MiguelMilá灯。

In the library, a Michael Anastassiades light fixture is suspended above a daybed and cocktail table designed by Casa Munoz. A painting by Antonio Saura is mounted over the fireplace, which is flanked by an Anacleto Spazzapan wood chair and a Miguel Milá lamp on a pedestal.

因此,Silva找到了一套面积约353平方米的公寓,有三面阳台和一个可以俯瞰公园的大露台,离她祖父母的故居只有几户之遥。Eugenia Silva邀请了Plantea建筑工作室和室内设计公司Casa Munoz对她家在马德里的住宅进行装修。Plantea建筑工作室帮助把狭小的房间改造成她想要的开放空间。室内设计公司Casa Munoz为全球潮流引领者的家人精心设计了别致的环境,他们负责艺术品的装饰和陈设,以及艺术品的安装。

So it was that Silva found a 3,800-square-foot apartment with three exposures and a large terrace overlooking the park, and only a few doors down from her grandparents’ former home. For the renovation of her family’s Madrid residence, model Eugenia Silva enlisted the architecture studio Plantea and the interiors firm Casa Munoz. The architectural studio Plantea helped convert the warren of tiny rooms into the open plan she desired. The interior design firm Casa Munoz oversaw the finishes and furnishings as well as the installation of artworks .Casa Munoz elegantly devises a chic setting for the global trendsetter’s family.






设计的想法是尊重建筑上世纪60年代的建筑灵魂,同时将Eugenia Silva的感性和21世纪家庭生活的现实融入到空间中。除了由Plantea设计的时尚厨房,这意味着宽敞的、自由流动的生活和餐饮空间,可以招待客人,也可以和家人一起度过安静的夜晚。

The idea was to respect the building’s rather posh 1960s architectural soul while inserting Eugenia’s sensibility and the realities of 21st-century family living into the way the space functions.”In addition to the stylish kitchen designed by Plantea, that meant generously scaled, free-flowing living and dining spaces that work for hosting guests as well as quiet evenings with just the family.



Andreas Gursky的大型照片为餐厅增添了视觉冲击力,在老式桌子上安装了Michael Anastassiades吊灯,由Michel Cadestin创作的Beaubourg餐椅。

A large-scale Andreas Gursky photograph adds visual punch to the dining room, where a Michael Anastassiades pendant fixture is installed over the vintage table and Michel Cadestin chairs designed with Georges Laurent.




In the kitchen, in Portobello stone from Levantina and walnut with Olaria handles, String lamp by Anastassiades for Flos, Samsung fridge, Smeg ovens and Afteroom stool for Menu.


Creating relaxed, flexible living spaces did not mean going bohemian. “That kind of vibe works great for my beach house on Formentera,” says Silva, referring to the family’s island retreat. “But for the home where my children will grow up, I didn’t want hippy chic. It needed to be a proper house.”






化妆间配有CasaMunoz的橡木梳妆台,Francisco Gálvez的花瓶和Levantina的白色大理石

The dressing room with oak dressing table by Casa Munoz, vase by Francisco Gálvez, in Modern Times, and white marble by Levantina.

整个公寓里都有一种明显的精致,尤其是奢华的材料:Calacatta大理石、cerused橡木、红木和珩磨灰泥。在Silva看来,这种审美观显然更男性化,而非女性化。“没有印花,没有流苏,坦率地说颜色也不多,”她说。“几乎都是黑白的。事实上,除了一些艺术作品,这座住宅基本上是中性色彩的交响乐:黑色和灰色,夹杂着一排苍白的泥土色调,以及Casa Munoz设计的橡木梳妆台的凳子上发现的粉红色。Casa Munoz表示:“我们研究了无数的陈年浮华,但最终决定,我们可以做出更好的宜居空间。”

There’s an unmistakable refinement that runs throughout the apartment, not least in the sumptuous materials: Calacatta marble, cerused oak, rosewood, honed plaster. The aesthetic, as Silva sees it, is decidedly more masculine than feminine. “There are no floral prints, no fringe, and frankly not much color,” she notes. “It’s almost all black and white.” Indeed, aside from some of the art, the residence is mostly a symphony of neutrals: blacks and grays with an array of pale earth tones and a blush of pink found on the stool of her custom-designed Casa Munoz oak dressing table. “We looked at countless vintage vanities,” Munoz says, “but ultimately decided we could make a better one.”





Who is Eugenia Silva?

Eugenia Silva出生于1976年1月13日,是一名西班牙模特。她拥有马德里孔普卢腾斯大学的法学学位,是杜嘉班纳和奥斯卡•德拉伦塔等许多时装品牌的代言人。

Eugenia Silva was born at January 13, 1976 is a Spanish model. With a law degree from the Complutense University of Madrid, she has been the image of many fashion houses such as Dolce & Gabbana and Oscar de la Renta.





Eugenia Silva成长于一个法学家家庭,是Antonio Hernandez Mancha的侄女。她自己毕业于马德里孔普卢腾斯大学附属的Colegio Universitario Cardenal Cisneros法学院。

Eugenia Silva grew up in a family of jurists, as the niece of Antonio Hernández Mancha, and she herself graduated in Law at Colegio Universitario Cardenal Cisneros, affiliated to Madrid’s Complutense University.




当她搬到纽约,并被选为Oscar de la Renta的形象时,她的事业开始腾飞。她在《时尚芭莎》、《Telva》、《Elle》、《嘉人》、《Glamour》和《Vogue》等杂志上出现过100多次,与世界上最著名的摄影师合作过,如马里奥·特斯蒂诺、史蒂文·梅塞尔、亚瑟·埃尔戈斯特、布鲁斯·韦伯、大卫·贝利和吉尔斯·本西蒙。她曾为阿玛尼、普拉达、范思哲、加利亚诺、迪奥、让·保罗·高缇耶、艾莉·萨博和卡罗莱娜·埃雷拉等品牌走秀。

Her career took off when she moved to New York City, chosen to be the image of Oscar de la Renta. With more than 100 appearance on the covers of magazines such as Harper’s Bazaar, Telva, Elle, Marie Claire, Glamour, and Vogue, she has worked with the most renowned photographers in the world, like Mario Testino, Steven Meisel, Arthur Elgost, Bruce Weber, David Bailey and Gilles Bensimon. She has modelled on the catwalk for Giorgio Armani, Prada, Versace, Galiano, Dior, Jean Paul Gaultier, Elie Saab and Carolina Herrera, among others.




About Casa Munoz


Casa Munoz是由Mafalda Munoz和Gonzalo Machado夫妇两人共同创立,是一家总部位于马德里的室内设计公司,专门从事住宅工程,酒店,修复工程和家具设计。

Casa Munoz was co-founded by the couple Mafalda Munoz and Gonzalo Machado. It is a Madrid-based interior design company specializing in residential engineering, hotels, restoration engineering and furniture design.

Mafalda Munoz学习了室内建筑,然后在克里斯蒂大学的格拉斯哥大学学习了艺术硕士学位。在Casa&Jardín和巴黎的设计工作室任职后,她决定与丈夫Gonzalo Machado合作创建自己的画廊。Gonzalo Machado受过工业设计方面的培训,并且是一位著名的摄影师,其作品经常在该行业最负盛名的杂志中使用。

慧盖房 » 西班牙模特「西班牙超模EugeniaSilva的家」



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