
由于古代中国和欧洲的社会结构不同。中世纪欧洲的城堡是所有拥有周围土地的大小贵族的防御基础设施。 贵族们有自己的军队来维持地方行政,并与其他贵族发生潜在的军事冲突。

自公元前221年以来,中国已成为一个中央集权的帝国。 封建制度从此被抛弃。 在中国古代,所有的土地、人民和权力都属于皇帝。 没有公爵或任何其他头衔的贵族。 城堡无法在这样的系统中存在,简而言之城堡是小国寡民的产物。在海外论坛上有这样一个讨论中西方城堡的热门话题:我听说过日本和欧洲的城堡,但中国人有类似的城堡吗?





网友Hayashi Miyako的观点

Chinese castles are very different from those of Europe or Japan.


Chinese castles were the cities themselves. Chinese people built walls around cities. Those are Chinese version of castles.


the word that means “city” in Chinese is “城市”, that literally means “Castle/wall” and “market”. This clearly shows how the castles and the cities were integrated.


from the beginning of the history of China, till the middle of 20th century, Chinese cities were physically surrounded by walls. people could only enter those cities from several gates.


currently, due to the expansion of cities, those walls were mostly removed, but in some cities such as Xi’an, you can see remaining parts of those walls. Those are the Chinese castles.



The difference of the castles came from differences of the wars.


In medieval Japan or Europe, the wars are fought between feudal lords who intended to expand their territory, so the risks that ordinary people were killed were relatively low, because if lords killed people, the value of the land (tax income) became lower.



On the other hand, the wars in China were much harsher, they fought with Northern nomads who typically did not intend to rule Chinese lands, but the purpose of the attacks were robbing wealth or people, or in the broad sense, removing farming culture from the land to make the land into the grass plain again.


Nomad people were unhappy that Chinese agriculture people expanded cultivated land and wanted to remove that totally. Therefore, the risk of people to be killed, robbed or sold as slaves for someone lived outside were quite high. The number of deaths per war were not comparable with other regions. Only way to protect people was surrounding walls.


This existence of wall has deeply affected Chinese society. Currently, Chinese people are registered as two type of people, rural people and urban people. This division actually has continued for several thousands of years. people who lived inside the walled cities were protected, educated and mainly involved in merchandising or politics. They are the people who drived Chinese history. People who lived outside of the walls were hardly protected, not educated and involved in farming. The society has been totally divided by the wall through out Chinese history.




Chinese didn’t have castles similar to Japanese and European. In China, the emperor tended to construct palaces that cover a large area. But in Europe, people built high castles. So did the Japanese in part of their country.


In my opinion, the difference comes from some facts. The most important reason is the different political system.


Castles were first used to protect the land from attacks. In Europe, people began to build castles in medieval by the great Lords for preserving their lands and vast wealth. As the Carolingian dynasty broke, some lords owned lands and people so they had to make their “state” safe while conflicts may happen between lords at any moment. As a result, they built their houses with stones, added keeps, strengthened the walls, made them higher and higher(to get a bird’s-eye view), and finally, it became something we called “castles”.



In Japan, during the shogunate, it was in the same situation as Europe. Shogun grasped enormous power and constructed their own protection individually.


China is not a truly feudal society throughout history. China has ended its system of enfeoffment( the emperor conferred the land on vassals) since the Western Zhou Dynasty. There weren’t so many “lords” in the country, because the emperor mastered the land and power.


So nobilities could take charge of land and people, but they didn’t own them, all the things in the country belonged to the emperor. With less, weaker, and powerless nobility existing, it was no need for the emperor to make such a strong castle to protect its land from vassals. The lack of a strong enemy put the castles(protection inside the country) aside.



Secondly, the “war” appeared differently between European and Chinese. Europeans tried to conquer lands, defeat the other side by taking the cities, so it happened right down the cities and where they lived. But Chinese developed a way that soldiers took weapons and shields, stood in a square, and rushed to each other according to the tum.


Compared with Europeans, the Chinese tended to arrange the formal war far from the cities and obeyed rules. As you can see, castles are effective when guarded the lands, but it can’t apply to those early Chinese’s way of wars.


We can find clues from geography as well. The continent of Europe features in different landforms, it is easy to find highlands, mountains, or valleys. The castles greatly take the advantage of the landforms and make the investigation, defenses easier with the help of keeps, tower and magnificent height. In contrast, China features in plain, especially around the Yellow River basin.



Under this situation, the Chinese emphasized the width of the protection. We constructed the Great Wall to protect the land from external enemies. For continuous walls and several towers are more suitable for extensive land in China to fight against enemies. (the flat land makes the high castle useless in a war).




Well yeah but they were usually a lot bigger and less for royalty and more the general populace.


It depends on how you define a castle. Noble fortress? So unfortunately, they were destroyed about 2,500 years ago. A centralised government does not allow local aristocrats to have too strong a family fortress.


But if you’re talking about walls, then, yes, China has a lot. They surrounded the whole city and had a complex system of doorways. Government officials were allowed to build walls to protect the city.



Every city has a city wall, Cheng Qian. The best preserved version is probably xian but you can see remnants in most cities older than a hundred or two hundred years. In Xian, which has a pretty small wall, it encompasses the inner city (most encompass whole city) and is 15m tall and 15m wide for the most part, and every 40m their is a watch tower with archers and stuff. Theirs a 50m most around it, and 4 huge gates.


So yeah those are common. I suppose the forbidden city is a castle in it’s own right. Why do people need castles though? With such large populations and wealth they could just put everyone inside a huge castle. Japan and europe couldn’t do that due to feudalistic isolated communities. They didnt have such huge cities such as chang an (except for constantinople. Which also lacked castles but had huge walls).





One of the most comprehensive introduction of ancient Chinese defence buildings on Quora.


The answer to this question can not be answered by a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’.Like castles in Europe,there are many different kinds of ancient China’s defence buildings which have similar function as European castles. I will introduce each of them and give some examples, which will help you directly see that they are so different from European castles although they probably have similar functions.


1.边关要塞 Frontier Fortress


Frontier fortress is the most typical castle-like defence bulidings in ancient China. Usually, It consists of strong walls, huge archery buildings, at least one supportive town and a large number of beacon towers.


Example 1: 嘉峪关 Jiayu Guan

Jiayu Guan is the west end of the Great Wall in Ming dynasty. It’s one of the most important fortress than defend invasion from nomadic invaders, like Mongols.


Image above: You can see a beacon tower on the top of that mountain.



Image above: The former supportive town is now a part of an industrial city, Jiayuguan city.


As for Jiayu Guan, it can’t be ignored that she is connected with the Great Wall. Jiayu Guan and the Great Wall nearby strengthened defensive capability of each other and become a systematic defence together.


2. 城市防御建筑City Defense Building

Usually, ancient city in China doesn’t have european style castle as crucial defense. The most important facility is its wall, which is not a single wall but consists of different defensive facilities like anarchy towers,瓮城weng cheng, city moat and other defense facilities.


Example: Xi’an City Wall



Firstly built in 582 AD and expanded in 1369 AD, Xi’an City Wall s the best preserved ancient city wall in China.


Nowadays, Xi’an City Wall is no longer a defense facility but one of the most important part in Xi’an. Residents of Xi’an can celebrate festival and hold weddings here.


Non-stateowned Defense Buildings


Private defense buildings are actually more close to the definition of ‘castle’.


Scholars debate the scope of the word castle, but usually consider it to be the private fortified residence of a lord or noble.


Although in ancient China there were few highly independent feudal lords like those in the middle ages of Europe after 221BC, when Emperor Qin Shihuang exterminated seperated kings and lords and united China under the rule of one absolute emperor, some rich small nobles, especially in remote and dangerous region like Caton and Fujian, still built their own private fortified residence for their own family. And during the period of civil wars, rich nobles and businessmen did same thing in the central parts of China.


(1)Fujian Tulou/earth buildings



The most famous of this kind of defense building isFujian Tulou/earth buildings.


A Tulou is usually a large, enclosed and fortified earth building, most commonly rectangular or circular in configuration, with very thick load-bearing rammed earth walls between three and five stories high and housing up to 800 people. Smaller interior buildings are often enclosed by these huge peripheral walls which can contain halls, storehouses, wells and living areas, the whole structure resembling a small fortified city.


Image above: If observed from the sky, a series of Tulou can be a group of protective and systematic defense facilities. Attack any one of them will get resistance from all.


Nowadays, Tulou is no longer a defense building. But it already became a symbol of Hakka and closely connected with Hakka culture.


(2)Southwestern minorities’ fortresses


Minorities in Southwest China use castle-similar fortress since 3rd century BC at least.



Qiang, one of the most ancient ethnic groups in China, used an unique fort to protect their villages. In a sense, it’s a more wretched and smaller version of a castle. Don’t forget many of the Qiang forts that we can see today were built 2000 years ago.

羌族是中国最古老的民族之一,他们使用独特的堡垒来保护他们的村庄。 从某种意义上说,它是一座更可怜、更小版本的城堡。 不要忘记我们今天看到的许多羌寨是在 2000 年前建造的。

The most castle-like buildings in China were built by Tibetans. Castles in Tibet usually have military, political and religious functions.


In 634 AD, Like Shiming, emperor of Great Tang Empire, married his daughter, Princess Wen Cheng Gong Zhu (mun Chang kung co in Tibetan language), to Songzain Gambo, king of Tibet. When Princess Wen Cheng went to Tibet, she took China’s best craftspersons to Tibet, spreading many China’s advanced technology to Tibet, including building technology.


One consequence of this great marriage is the Potala Palace. Songzain Gambo used his wife’s craftsperson to build a new castle which combined two different styles from both Tibet and mainland China.





If I’m correct (which I am most of the time), the Chinese used to have European-like castles during the Spring and Autumn period, roughly 2700 years ago plus or minus. A lot of these “castles” grew into city-states-like feudal entities that became de facto independent as the Zhou royal authority got weakened. After the Qin dynasty unified China, these city-states have transitioned into regular, walled cities with the disappearance of castle-like structures in the centre.


Nations that cultivated a tradition of castle building usually have stayed under feudalism for a long period of time, which is also why Japan has more of these “European-like” castles than China, which phased them out long ago as power became centralized.




Just imagine if every nobleman in China was allowed to build his own castle. The emperor’s power would weaken so much that he becomes nothing more than a figurehead like the Japanese emperor before Meiji Restoration. Therefore, for most of its history, Chinese cities were largely fortified settlements that relied on public defences like city walls. The towers and city gates of these settlements do kinda look like a European castle (if you’re standing at the right angle), but they’re fundamentally different structures.


Basically, a European castle is like a single-family detached home. Chinese and European defensive walls, on the other hand, are like the fences around your standalone house.



Then again, there’s always a few exceptions in history (!). When the latest European fortification tech was transferred to the Ming dynasty, the Chinese did install a few of these forts against the Manchus (although forts are still not castles, they are much closer). But too few of them were built, and far too late.


慧盖房 » 中国怎么没有城堡「美论坛日本和欧洲都有城堡为何中国没有网友小国寡民才需要」



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