



The following are some of the health benefits associated with moringa seeds. More research is happening every year on the medicinal value of moringa; we have only just begun to understand how potentially powerful moringa tree seeds are.

1. Moringa Seeds Are High in Nutritional Value

What is moringa seeds’ nutritional value? The following table is a breakdown of the nutritional information for moringa seeds, per 100 grams.

Two key things to note are that these seeds have zero cholesterol and are very high in fiber, which can make them beneficial to a healthy food regimen.

Carbohydrates8.53Protein2.10Total Fat0.20Dietary Fiber3.2Cholesterol0Niacin0.620 mgCalcium30 mgMagnesium45 mgPhosphorous50 mgPotassium461 mg


2. Manages Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Health

The antioxidant content in moringa seeds is able to limit the oxidative stress that can lead to heart disease, heart failure, and high blood pressure. In part, the oleic acid in moringa seeds is also responsible for its antihypertensive effect and ability to reduce heart diseases.

Oleic acid works to reduce the amount of lipids in the blood.

One study published in the American Journal of Hypertension in 2016 found that moringa seed powder had a beneficial effect on the heart of hypertensive rats, and therefore was suggested to prevent heart diseases associated with high blood pressure.

Furthermore, research published in the journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity in 2017 determined that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of moringa seeds positively affected rats with hypertension. As a result, the seeds were thought to also treat other heart disorders associated with oxidative stress and inflammation.


3. Acts as a Sleep Aid

Another valuable benefit of moringa seeds is their reported ability to help you sleep and prevent insomnia. The oil extracted from moringa seeds is what is thought to stimulate sleep by inducing hormones.

As a rich source of the amino acid tryptophan, moringa seeds benefit neurotransmitter function, and this helps you also fight fatigue and insomnia.

For a good night’s rest, steep moringa leaves in hot water for 15 minutes and then drink before bed. It will help you sleep soundly, which in turn will leave you energized to tackle the day.

4. Boosts Energy

A single serving of moringa has almost three times the amount of iron as spinach. This is especially important for vegetarians/vegans and those who suffer from low-iron issues, as the body needs iron to enrich the blood and carry oxygen to our muscles, organs, and tissues.


5. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels and Manages Diabetes

There are also benefits of moringa seeds for diabetes and blood sugar regulation. Several studies have found that moringa seeds may reduce blood sugar levels.

The scientists believe that the blood sugar-lowering effect is due to compounds like isothiocyanates.

A 2014 study published in Acta Histochemica reported that moringa seeds can lower blood sugar levels, which would provide therapeutic management (or even prevention) of diabetes (6). However, the study was done on lab rats and more research is needed on humans before any recommendations can be made.

Some small studies have been done on humans, however.

One study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology in 2014 found that 30 women taking 1.5 teaspoons of moringa powder daily for three months had experienced a 13.5% decrease in fasting blood sugar level, on average.

Another small study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition in 2009 found that blood sugar levels dropped by 21% when six people with diabetes added 50 g of moringa to their meals.

6. High in Fiber

Moringa is high in soluble fiber, and as a result, it can do a great job of moving food along your digestive system. Fiber is also a key component in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.

Research shows that moringa seed soluble fiber is also termed as moringa seed resistant protein. As such, this soluble fiber could potentially benefit immunity, digestion, blood sugar control, and more.

7. Can Lower Cholesterol

Too much cholesterol in the blood has been linked to heart disease. In traditional Thai medicine, moringa is used as a cardiotonic (a drug or herb used to improve how the heart contracts).

Some plants have been known to reverse bad cholesterol and research is showing that moringa is among them, including in animal and human studies.

One study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2003 found that moringa helps reduce LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and increase HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol.

8. Combats Premature Aging, Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair

Various active components in moringa seeds make them very useful for both skin and hair care. The oil extracted from the moringa seeds contains almost 30 antioxidants. The skin absorbs the oil well and can receive these nourishing antioxidants easily. They can also reduce free radical damage on the skin.

The oil can be used as a moisturizer and antiseptic as well. The omega-9 fatty acid in moringa seeds is thought to also be one of the best natural moisturizers for the skin. In addition, moringa seeds contain collagen, which helps prevent acne and reduce skin wrinkles.

It is no wonder that moringa seed oil has a lot of value in the cosmetic and beauty industry, and it can be found in body oils, deodorants, hair products, soaps, body washes, anti-aging creams, and massages and aromatherapy oils.

9. Alleviates Digestive and Colon Problems

Moringa seeds can also help treat digestive and colon problems, and they’re particularly useful for soothing peptic or gastric ulcers.

A study from 2014 found that the antioxidant properties of moringa seeds also help reduce ulcer symptoms. The moringa seeds were so potent that even low doses were effective.

Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that causes long-term inflammation and ulcers in the digestive tract. Symptoms also include rectal pain and bleeding, diarrhea, and urgency to discharge a stool.

A 2017 study published in the journal PLOS One found that moringa seed powder improved the integrity of colon tissue and reduced the severity of colon inflammation developed during ulcerative colitis.

10. Anti-Arthritic Properties

One study published in the Journal of Immunotoxicology in 2007 suggests that the ethanolic extract of moringa seeds possesses promising anti-arthritic properties. The anti-inflammatory activities of moringa seed extract may help treat arthritis—a degenerative joint disease that causes pain and swelling.

Other studies report that moringa seeds help reduce inflammation and provide relief from chronic inflammatory diseases.

Research also points to the oleic acid in moringa seeds as having an important role in treating inflammatory pain conditions.


11. Anti-Anaphylactic Agent

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that needs to be treated right away, or it can lead to death. Symptoms will include shortness of breath, an itchy rash, tongue or throat swelling, lightheadedness, and vomiting.

One study published in the Journal of Immunotoxicology in 2007 examined the anti-anaphylactic effect of the ethanolic extract of moringa seeds. The results of the study suggested that moringa seed extract could be a potential anti-anaphylactic agent in the treatment of allergic disorders.

12. Antibacterial, Antifungal Properties

Moringa seed extract also has antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties, which can help treat and prevent infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

One study published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology in 2017 highlights the potential use of a purified protein in moringa seeds as an anti-candida agent due to its ability to inhibit candida growth.

13. Fights against Breast Cancer

About one in eight women in the U.S. will develop breast cancer over their lifetime.

A study published in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicine in 2017 found that moringa seed powder has an anti-proliferative effect on the MCF7 breast cancer cell.

14. Anemia

Moringa seeds are high in iron—a mineral responsible for red blood cell maintenance. Iron deficiency will also lead to anemia. Symptoms include weakness, fatigue, pale skin, dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, and an irregular heartbeat.

A study published in the journal 3 Biotech in 2016 mentioned that moringa is a high source of iron that can help treat iron deficiency and anemia.

15. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Perhaps unsurprisingly, due to the aforementioned benefits, moringa seed has been found to reduce inflammation, which is linked with many chronic conditions such as cancer, arthritis, and heart disease.

Some test-tube and animal studies have supported isothiocyanates as the main anti-inflammatory compounds in moringa seeds.

One 2010 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology suggested that moringa seeds have immunosuppressive activity that can reduce immune-related inflammation.

16. Offers Liver Protection

The antioxidant content in moringa seed may also offer protection against liver damage and promote liver health overall.

One study published in the Journal of Food Science in 2012 found that the free radical scavenging potential of moringa seed oil can help repair liver damage due to hepatitis. The researchers suggested that moringa seed oil can treat certain liver disorders.

A study published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology in 2010 found that moringa seed extract given twice daily had healed liver injury in rats induced with liver fibrosis over the course of eight weeks.

17. Alleviates Asthma

The anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects of moringa seeds can help alleviate the severity and frequency of symptoms associated with bronchial asthma.

Common asthma symptoms include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Seasonal allergies will often trigger asthma symptoms.

One study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology in 2008 found that taking three grams of moringa seed powder for three weeks had helped improve bronchial asthma symptoms including wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing.




以下是与辣木种子相关的一些健康益处。 每年都有更多关于辣木药用价值的研究; 我们才刚刚开始了解辣根树种子的潜力。



什么是辣木种子的营养价值? 下表是每100克辣木种子营养信息的细分。













辣木种子中的抗氧化剂含量能够限制可导致心脏病,心力衰竭和高血压的氧化应激。 部分地,辣木种子中的油酸也是其抗高血压作用和减少心脏病的能力的原因。



此外,2017年发表在氧化医学和细胞长寿杂志上的研究表明,辣木种子的抗炎和抗氧化作用对高血压大鼠产生了积极的影响。 结果,种子被认为也治疗与氧化应激和炎症相关的其他心脏病。


辣木种子的另一个有价值的好处是他们报告的帮助你睡眠和预防失眠的能力。 从辣木种子中提取的油是通过诱导激素来刺激睡眠的。


为了一个良好的夜晚休息,陡峭的辣木叶在热水中离开15分钟,然后在睡前喝。 它会帮助你安然入睡,这反过来会让你精力充沛地解决这一天。


一份辣木的含量几乎是菠菜的三倍。 这对于素食者/素食主义者和患有低铁问题的人来说尤其重要,因为身体需要铁来富集血液并将氧气输送到我们的肌肉,器官和组织。


辣木种子对糖尿病和血糖调节也有好处。 一些研究发现,辣木种子可能会降低血糖水平。


发表于Acta Histochemica的2014年研究报告称,辣木种子可降低血糖水平,从而为糖尿病提供治疗管理(甚至预防)。 然而,这项研究是在实验室大鼠身上进行的,在做出任何建议之前,需要对人类进行更多的研究。





辣木含有丰富的可溶性纤维,因此,它可以很好地沿着消化系统运送食物。 纤维也是维持健康心血管系统的关键组成部分。

研究表明,辣木籽可溶性纤维也被称为辣木种子抗性蛋白。 因此,这种可溶性纤维可能有益于免疫力,消化,血糖控制等。


血液中过多的胆固醇与心脏病有关。 在传统的泰国医学中,辣木被用作强心剂(一种用于改善心脏收缩的药物或药草)。




辣木种子中的各种活性成分使它们对皮肤和头发护理都非常有用。 从辣木种子中提取的油含有近30种抗氧化剂。 皮肤很好地吸收油脂,可以很容易地接受这些营养抗氧化剂。 它们还可以减少皮肤上的自由基损伤。

该油也可用作保湿剂和防腐剂。 辣木种子中的ω-9脂肪酸被认为也是皮肤最好的天然保湿剂之一。 此外,辣木籽含有胶原蛋白,有助于预防粉刺和减少皮肤皱纹。




2014年的一项研究发现,辣木种子的抗氧化特性也有助于减少溃疡症状。 辣木种子是如此有效,甚至低剂量是有效的。

溃疡性结肠炎是一种炎症性肠病,可引起消化道长期炎症和溃疡。 症状还包括直肠疼痛和出血,腹泻以及排便的紧迫性。

发表在PLOS One期刊上的2017年研究发现,辣木籽粉可以改善结肠组织的完整性,并降低溃疡性结肠炎时结肠炎症的严重程度。


发表在2007年免疫毒理学杂志上的一项研究表明,辣木种子的乙醇提取物具有良好的抗关节炎特性。 辣木籽提取物的抗炎活性可能有助于治疗关节炎 – 一种引起疼痛和肿胀的退行性关节病。




过敏反应是一种严重的过敏反应,需要立即治疗,否则可能导致死亡。 症状包括呼吸急促,皮疹发痒,舌头或喉咙肿胀,头晕和呕吐。

2007年发表在免疫毒理学杂志上的一项研究检验了辣木种子乙醇提取物的抗过敏作用。 该研究的结果表明,辣木籽提取物可能是治疗过敏性疾病的潜在抗过敏药物。








辣木种子富含铁 – 一种负责红细胞维持的矿物质。 缺铁也会导致贫血。 症状包括虚弱,疲劳,皮肤苍白,头晕,胸痛,呼吸短促和心跳不规则。








2012年发表在“食品科学杂志”上的一项研究发现,辣木籽油的自由基清除潜力有助于修复因肝炎引起的肝损伤。 研究人员提出,辣木籽油可以治疗某些肝脏疾病。




常见的哮喘症状包括喘息,咳嗽,胸闷和呼吸短促。 季节性过敏通常会引发哮喘症状。



慧盖房 » 辣木籽的种子是什么样子(辣木籽跟辣木种子一样吗)



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